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“Corporate actions continue to be an area of complexity, manual processing and high risk” according to the interim results of research into the corporate actions processing, conducted by the wealth management consultancy, Compeer. Even as corporate action volumes appear to increase each year (with larger participants processing in excess of 40,000 dividends and 9,000 elections last year), there is a general perception in the market that corporate actions continue to be an area...

In the wake of another whopping FCA fine of £34.3m to Goldman Sachs last week, following the £27.6m UBS fine, are the bigger players ignoring the regulations? MiFID and MiFID II introduced more regulatory overheads to firms in the UK, as well as the rest of Europe. Major projects have been set up and delivered on with overall costs amounting to billions - and some firms have been lost along the way, unable to...

The management of corporate actions is an old problem. It is, however, still a major challenge and an area of significant risk for many wealth managers who have not invested in automation. Historically, cost has been the issue. The high cost of systems to automate corporate action processing made them economically unsustainable for medium and small organisations. Additionally, most back office systems provided some form of compulsory action entitlement processing, often...

Just when wealth managers thought that they could draw a sigh of relief, knowing that their MiFID II obligations were, if not a thing of the past, at least a part of business as usual, a sense of foreboding is once again creeping into the collective consciousness of wealth management firms. The European Union's consumer protection regulation has radically changed the way costs and charges are presented for funds and...

As we transition our Wealth Intelligence platform from on-premise to SAAS (software as a service) into the Amazon Web services (AWS), we have partnered with Intelisecure and Infradata to ensure scalability, security and reliability. Intelisecure will be providing vulnerability management, Pen testing and SIEM services on the new WIN platform. With the new GDPR regulations changes that became effective as of May 2018 we have built our platform GDPR compliant and...

In this article, Matt Gunnell, our Product Manager, Wealth Management Solutions talks about the recently launched Wealth Intelligence (WIN) Platform in detail (what it is, what we have done so far & what we have planned). Wealth Intelligence (WIN) Platform Overview In March 2018, we launched our new Wealth Intelligence (WIN) platform unleashing a host of new modules whilst uniting many of its award-winning wealth management solutions into one single offering. The WIN...

There is a growing awareness in wealth management circles concerning the need for wealth managers and financial advisors to preserve the investment assets that they currently manage, as they are passed to the next generation. Obviously, some of those assets will shift into pension drawdown plans to cover day-to-day living expenses, but there will remain a sizeable proportion of estates (particularly among high net worth individuals) that will be handed...

On December 20, 2017 the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) issued a statement to support the smooth implementation of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI) requirements under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR). Concerns Raised By Market Participants Around Obtaining Leis Under MiFID Ii Many investment firms and trading venues had raised concerns that they will not be able to obtain LEI codes from all their clients ahead of the implementation date...

I attended the PIMFA MiFID II Conference on Tuesday 24th October, and it was pleasing to hear some very positive and complimentary feedback from a number of clients about our software solution, the advice and support we have provided and our whole MiFID II delivery. It was surprising and worrying to hear some of the comments expressed by some speakers and panel members, as well as questions from the floor during...

In June, the European Commission announced the application date of MiFID II and MiFIR had been delayed by one year to 3rd January 2018. The news was greeted by many with a huge sigh of relief. Plenty of people had been warning that it would be impossible for firms to be ready for such all-encompassing and far reaching changes by the end of 2016. When the delay was announced 2018 seem...