Case Study

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THE CHALLENGES Hargreave Hale provides stockbroking, investment management and fund management services to private investors, trusts, companies and charities across the UK. A crucial part of its business is executing trades on behalf of its clients. Hargreave Hale had been using an older version of Contemi's front office system, plus its legacy middle office solution, Trader, to execute trades electronically, but only to a very limited extent: before the project, only...

Leading insurance company Watercircles successfully migrated their policy and claims processing systems with Contemi’s modern web-based systems. Private insurance firm Watercircles in Scandinavia targets responsible people, that are good at taking care of their property. Watercircles found their target audience through cooperation with selected organisations and recommendations from existing customers. When client services team speak to the customers, and are logged in to the policy or claims systems, they can at the same time, see all...

ABSTRACT Historically Killik & Co have outsourced much of their back office processing. To differentiate themselves from their competitors they wanted to bring in house key client touch points. As part of this journey, bringing in Fees processing was the next logical step. Killik & Co pride themselves on their bespoke services providing client focused personal relationships. They wanted a system that provided flexibility to support this ethos and their future...